Safety Officer Commands

“Range is going hot”: The Safety Officer is giving a warning to all other match participants that he is ready to start the scenario, and that all participants should return behind the line of fire if they are not already there. The shooter should not manipulate their firearm at this time.

Range is hot, protect your eyes and ears" Just what it says

"Does the shooter know and understand the course of fire" Shooters last chance to clarify anything that concerns them about the COF. Shooter is to nod or verbally acknowledge the commands.

“Load and make ready”: The shooter should face downrange and load their firearm, then return the loaded firearm to their holster. They should be sure to have a “topped off” magazine to their division capacity to start the scenario.

“Shooter ready?”: This is the shooter’s last chance to stop or ask any questions about the scenario! If not, they should indicate to the Safety Officer that they are ready to shoot the scenario.

“Stand by”: Do not move or change positions after this command. The shooter should be ready to begin the scenario when the buzzer sounds.

*BUZZER*: An electronic sound signaling the start of the scenario. The shooter should draw their firearm from the holster and begin the scenario.

“If the shooter is finished, Unload and show clear”: At the conclusion of the scenario the shooter should remove the magazine, clear the round from the chamber and lock the slide open. The Safety Officer will inspect the weapon to ensure that it is safe. The shooter should then release the slide, point the firearm downrange and dry fire.

“Range is safe”: This is a signal to the other Safety Officer acting as scorekeeper that it is safe to go forward of the shooting line to score the targets and for the tapers to tape after scoring is complete.

Additional SO Commands

“Stop”: You must immediately stop any activity, keep your weapon pointed downrange and wait for additional instructions. The Safety Officer or another has determined that it is necessary to discontinue the scenario. Something has occurred which may be unknown to you, a target is down, or some unsafe condition exists.

“Finger”: You are moving with your finger inside the trigger guard. Immediately move your finger outside the trigger guard. If you do not comply, you will receive a procedural penalty and possibly be disqualified from the remainder of the match.

“Cover”: You have exposed more than 50% of your body to a target. IDPA rules require your legs stay behind cover.

"Muzzle" In MN IDPA all stages have a muzzle safe point of 180 degrees , unless the stage rules specify otherwise. If you are approaching the muzlle safe point, the SO will yell muzzle to make you aware. Breaking the muzzle safe point is a disqualification.